What Can You Do? Light a fire, bake, craft making, hiking, project manage ... why not volunteer!

As you are probably aware the success of our group is down to volunteers. Through your support we can continue to grow our group and give young people the opportunity to develop through activities that they wouldn’t receive at school. On way you can help is by becoming a leader. Below we have set out some of the questions you might have about being a leader.

Question: I really don’t know anything about Scouting

Don’t worry you don’t need to. When other leaders started they had no experience at all, they learnt through training, support of other leaders in the group and common sense.  

Question: I can’t be there every week

You can job share and support the section you want to work with for example once a fortnight

Question: There are some things I really prefer not to do

We can’t be good or enjoy everything and no one is expected to do things they don’t enjoy. If you are not the outdoors type or a bit shy then that’s fine there is still plenty to do indoors or keeping things organised in the background.

Question: I don’t think I could run a whole night

No one is expecting you to; we hope you will learn on the job by seeing what other established leaders do.

Question: What about all the rules and regulations

There are rules and regulations which you will become familiar with over time, if you are uncertain about something the other leaders and myself are there to help. As an Assistant Leader it is very unlikely you will find yourself in this situation anyway.

Question:There must be lots of training

Ideally the Scout Association likes people to complete training over 3 years but don’t worry if it takes longer. Training is about 15 hours a year. The training is done in modules and can be done as distance learning/online or in group training sessions. You may be surprised that you don’t need to do some modules as you may have done them through work or other external experiences like first aid, working with children.

Speak to one of our leaders and make a difference!

Mark Pearson

Group Scout Leader